Nurturing Faith, Fellowship, and Service
Our purpose is to grow in spirit and in truth, enjoy fellowship with other Christians, and to encourage each other to become better in all we do as Christian women. We offer support to those whose needs become known to us, and we strive to serve this church family in whatever way we can.
While a primary focus of this ministry is the Ladies’ Bible Class (LBC) that meets on Wednesday mornings during the school year, there are many facets of service that fall under this ministry. We host bridal and baby showers for members. We provide meals for the sick and for new mothers. We provide food and meals for funeral home visitations or for the families following funerals. We make the bread served during communion during our worship time on Sundays.
An area of service included in this ministry is maintaining the flower arrangements and tablecloths used throughout the building and for special occasions. The Dorcas ministry is an area of service that finds ways of using sewing or crafting talent to provide items needed in various other ministries. During the year, we have several fellowship activities such as Ladies’ Day.
Our Ladies’ Bible Class has several areas of service, including two kinds of card ministries, visiting our home-centered members, supporting children’s charities, and encouraging our college students who are away from home. At Christmas, we provide meals and fruit baskets for our home-centered members. The women of Trenton Crossing are very active in serving our community and finding ways to glorify God as we serve.
This multi-generational group of women meets each Wednesday morning at 10:00 during the school year on days that school is in session. On the first Wednesday of each month, we each bring our lunch and have "Brown Bag Day" eating together. Drinks and dessert are provided.
If you would like to be involved or to find out more, please click HERE.
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