F.U.E.L Program

Nurturing Youth with Faith, Unity, Empowerment, and Love

Through discussion with the Montgomery County School System Nutrition Department, we have learned that approximately 1,000 children go home each weekend with no food to eat. That means from Friday at lunchtime to Monday at breakfast they have little or nothing to eat. We want to help these children. With the parents permission, on Fridays we send home a bag of food items with the child. These food items come from each food group and can be easily opened and require no refrigeration or cooking. These bags are placed in the children's backpacks very discretely. The items are bagged on Wednesday evening before church and delivered to the schools on Thursday. We are currently providing the FUEL bags for 100 children in 2 elementary schools - Byrns Darden and Hazelwood.

We need your help by

  • donating food items
  • donating money to purchase the food items
  • bagging the items
  • delivering the items to the schools

The food items we need donated are

  • pop tarts
  • small individual cereal boxes
  • breakfast bars
  • granola bars
  • juice boxes
  • juice pouches
  • individual apple sauce
  • individual fruit cups
  • individual raisin boxes
  • cheese crackers
  • cheese/dippin sticks
  • peanut butter crackers
  • tuna in a pouch
  • nuts in a pouch
  • peanut butter snack sticks
  • fruit rollups
  • fruit twisters
  • individual pudding snacks
  • anything else that is individually wrapped, ready to eat, and does not require a can opener, refrigeration, or cooking

Join the F.U.E.L. Program

Fill out this form if you would like information about donating items or volunteering to bag food for children.


Experience the Power of Faith in Action: Join Us at the Church of Christ at Trenton Crossing