What to Expect
First Time? We're glad you're here!
Welcome to Trenton Crossing! Here's everything you need to know.
We know it can be difficult attending a new church for the first time, and we want your first experience at Trenton Crossing to be a great one! Here's some information about us and what you can expect.

Staffed Nursery
An attended nursery is provided in THE PARK (our Nursery and Preschool wing) during class time and worship assemblies. A live feed of our assembly is available in that area. A room for nursing mothers is always available in THE PARK.

WEE Study
A time of activities and learning during our sermon for children ages 3-Kindergarten takes place in THE PARK (our Nursery and Preschool wing). Children will be dismissed to WEE Study during the song preceding the sermon. (WEE Study does not meet on 5th Sundays.)

Bible Classes
Class information may be found at the Welcome Center or on the tables at the entrances to the Worship Center.

Visitor Parking
We have Visitor parking spots near the main entrance for your convenience.

We celebrate the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord every Sunday ("First day of the Week") through a time of communion known as the Lord's Super. The "unleavened bread" represents His body, and "fruit of the vine" (cup of grape juice) represents His blood shed on the cross. All Christians are invited to participate.

Our singing is acappella (unaccompanied by instruments). This reflects the way Christians worshiped for hundreds of years, lifting up pure voices of praise before God.
Coming this Sunday?
We're excited to meet you!
If you know you're planning on attending Trenton Crossing for the first time with your children, an easy way to save time on Sunday morning is to pre-register your kids for our children's ministry programs.
Join us on Sunday
We pray that you give us a chance to meet you and tell you about our church family!
9:00 AM
Bible Classes
10:00 AM
Worship Assembly
2650 Trenton Road, Clarksville, TN 37040
9:00 AM
Various Adult Classes
Young Professionals Class
Youth Group Classes
Nursery & Children's Classes
6:30 PM
Various Adult Classes
Young Professionals Class
Youth Group Classes
Nursery & Children's Classes